Monday, November 18, 2013

It's time to get back to reading!

Today during my second grade TAG Time Intervention there were groups of students talking the Language of Literature.......Students have chosen a Book Club that they would like to be members of and together they agree on the pages to be read and then have discussions about the text.  We have modeled and practiced language to use when we are discussing books.

"We understand how important words are so we are making sure our conversations are meaningful and clear.   We really like sharing our book ideas and hearing what our book club partners have to say.   Book Clubs are awesome!"

Math All Stars!

If you would walk into a TAG Time Intervention at Community School on a Friday, you would observe teams of students working together to solve mathematical problems that are set in 'real world' scenarios.  We have declared Friday as Math All Star days!  From second grade to fifth grade students are talking the language of math and collaborating to find the answers to their grade level question.  Teams earn points for correct answers and friendly competition has motivated students to use their math skills to find the correct answers.  Some team names are the Square Roots, the Fast Math  Factories, the Math Deminators and even the Division Duo.  Math skills are being challenged and students are invested in the success of their team.  More to come on many more TAG TIme events!