Thursday, October 31, 2013

"Thinking Out of the Box"

"Thinking Out of the Box is a lot of Brain Work!"    ~JOHNNY age 7- Mrs. Draeger's class at Yahara

"I really like the Brain Teasers we get to do!  Try this one:  Bambi did not have any shelter when the heavy rainstrom struck.  Bambi did not get a drop of rain on her.  How could this happen?"
~Nyllah age 7  Mrs. Draeger's class at Yahara

"We have a chance to read a lot while we do our Brain Teasers."  ~Lacey age 7 Mrs. Deegan's class at Yahara

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Middle School TAG is happening!

Future Problem Solvers of America are here and walking the streets of Edgerton!   This week some students from grades 6th-8th were introduced to Future Problem Solvers of America.  FPSA is a critical and creative thinking program that incorportes students working together in teams to cooperatively solve futuristic problems and scenarios.  It requires students to analyze information and research for productive and reliable solutions.  The enthusiasm and motivation was evident as the students agreed to be part of the Edgerton team!  More to come as we get started on our first set of "problems".

Friday, October 11, 2013

Wisconsin TAG Conference

The past two days I have attended the State Talented and Gifted Conference in Wisconsin Dells.  Since the education world is full of acronyms, this is better known as WaTAG.  Along with over 200 gifted and talented educators from the state, I have been a part of valuable discussions and have revisited best practices in the field of TAG.  I am anxious to bring many new ideas back to Edgerton and implement them through our new TAG programming.  Among the most popular discussion topics were using the common core standards as the "springboard" for replacement practice in the area of high achievers and also increasing opportunities for critical thinking skills to be used and practiced.  Watch for future posts that will offer challenges to use your own critical thinking skills!  More to come......

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Future Problem Solvers of America

Soon to be coming to Edgerton Schools......Future Problem Solvers of America.  Students will benefit in participating in these problem solving scenarios and work together in teams to research, apply critical thinking skills, and evaluate progress now and in the future.  I will be attending a Future Problem Solvers of America training conference in Verona, WI October 2nd and 3rd.  After the training, students in grades 3-12 may take part in competitive and/or non competitive teams and collabratively work to solve problems posed that parallel our current society.  Students from all over the country take part in this opportunity and in 1997 a Janesville team was Grand Champions!  More information and exciting details to come soon.