Wednesday, April 2, 2014

4th Grade Shopping Day!

Making deposits, balancing a checkbook, and monitoring a profit margin have been part of our learning in fourth and fifth grade "TAG Time" the past couple of weeks.  Students have been workng on money sense and have simulating ordering food in a restautant and calculating the tax on the final total.  The end project required each student to create their own business and display the top ten products that are sold at their establishment.  These proucts have been put on display on the iPad app. Pic Collage that Nadia Kim and Kate Fox Gunderson presented to the group.  Students have the opportunity to "shop" at each other's business and write out checks for any purchases and they happily deposit any money that was spent at their own place!  The students are required to keep track of their transactions and are reminded to check over their work!  Students are enagaged and sharing and learning from each other!  

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