Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Research and Presentation

The last strand of 'TAG Time" for this school year is Research and Presentation.  47 students kindergarten through 5th grade have chosen topics that interest them and have created fact boards to collect data.  After a couple weeks of research, students will choose a mode of presentation and present their information to their classmates, teachers, and families.   An array of topics are being researched ranging from the Great Wall of China, to Jupiter, to Manatees, and many more!  Lots of new knowledge is being learned!

Monday, April 28, 2014

Sterling North Video has been released

This week Community and Yahara Schools are celebrating:   Edgerton:  The Home of Sterling North.
We would like students to be aware that they live in a town that a famous author lived as a child.  A Fact of the Day will be shared on the Daily Announcements and classroom teachers will read the fact and students will discuss the information learned about Sterling North.  Also, classrooms are invited to view a newly released iMovie produced by two 5th grade students.  The video link is below and I would invite you to watch this 7 minute video and learn about Sterling North.  We would also like to encourage families to visit the Sterling North Home and Museum for a tour on Sunday afternoons from 1:00-4:30.   A wonderful family experience!

Link to Video:

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Caps for the Cure

On Friday, April 25th, hundreds of students at Community and Yahara Schools were given permission to wear their favorite hats to school all day!  Students that chose to wear a hat were also encouraged to donate $1.00 to the Caps for a Cure Foundation  All the money collected will be sent to the Caps for a Cure Foundation in Madison as they continue their research to find a cure for childhood cancer.  Thank you to all the Edgerton students who wore hats and donated are making a difference!

Friday, April 11, 2014

iRead Book Challenge: A Successful Experience!

Today the iRead Book Challenge at the Middle School came to a close with a close competition between the Yaharian Pickles, a group of 6th grade boys, against the Highest Rankin Readers Around, a group of 8th grade girls.   The Yaharian Pickles ended up earning the top spot after a back and forth competition with only two questions separating the two teams.  This final round of competition was the culmination of many weeks of iRead Challenges where all teams had the opportunity to earn points by answering questions based on the selection of 25 books that they had the chance to read.   Teacher teams were also involved and competitions between teacher teams and student teams brought on entertaining dialogue.  The first ever iRead Book Challenge brought students and teachers together discussing common themes and topics from many award winning books.   Thank you to all the students, teachers and community members who made this iRead Book Challenge a success!

The Yaharian Pickles include:                            The Highest Rankin Readers Around:                  
Robert Ruud                                                            Katie Shaw                                                  
Alec Hansen                                                            Sally Lemke
Andrew Hansen                                                       Maddie Kleinschmidt
Hunter Seblom                                                         Jessica Danks

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Students Give It Their All at Regional Math Meets

The beginning of April is always a time for students who excel in the area of Math to get a chance to exercise their talents.  The 5th/6th Grade Edgerton Math Team participated in a Regional Math Meet in Whitewater on April 1st and the 7th/8th Grade Math Team participated this past Tuesday.  Both teams were challenged in mental math skills, consumer math and geometric formulas.  The teams also competed in a group multi step problem that is required to be solved by all 8 team members.  Teams that earn a first or second place score go on to the State Mega Meet the end of May.  Although Edgerton did not earn first or second place honors, the 5th/6th grade team placed third and the 7th/8th grade team placed fourth just missing third place by a few points.  An educational and fun learning experience for all!  

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Getting to Know Sterling North Through Pictures

Two fifth grade students are getting to know that Edgerton is the home to a very famous author from long ago.  His name is Sterling North and Carly Rebman and Lauren Radtke are producing a video that highlights his life in Edgerton and reviews the pieces of literature that made him a world renowned author.  Carly and Lauren took their research on the road Friday afternoon and photographed areas around Edgerton that were an essential part of Sterling North's childhood.  The girls took time to visit his home, the Rock River that leads into Lake Koshkonong, the train station, and the Indianford Dam.  The plan it to include these images in their video which will be 'released' the end of April....stay tuned to our K-8 TAG Blog for more details of this release!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

4th Grade Shopping Day!

Making deposits, balancing a checkbook, and monitoring a profit margin have been part of our learning in fourth and fifth grade "TAG Time" the past couple of weeks.  Students have been workng on money sense and have simulating ordering food in a restautant and calculating the tax on the final total.  The end project required each student to create their own business and display the top ten products that are sold at their establishment.  These proucts have been put on display on the iPad app. Pic Collage that Nadia Kim and Kate Fox Gunderson presented to the group.  Students have the opportunity to "shop" at each other's business and write out checks for any purchases and they happily deposit any money that was spent at their own place!  The students are required to keep track of their transactions and are reminded to check over their work!  Students are enagaged and sharing and learning from each other!